Monads in JS

The aim is to have a natural syntax for monads, instead of using a jQuery like monadic syntax.
So we override the async await syntax.

Maybe Monad Example

  // Adds 6
  async function foo(x) {
    console.log("foo", x)
    x = await Maybe.Pure(x+1);
    x = await Maybe.Pure(x+2);
    return await Maybe.Pure(x+3);

  // Like foo, but fails
  async function foof(x) {
    console.log("foof", x)
    x = await Maybe.Nothing();
    x = await Maybe.Pure(x+2);
    return await Maybe.Pure(x+3);

  // Adds 24
  async function bar(x) {
    console.log("bar", x)
    x = await foo(x+1);
    x = await foof(x+2);
    return await foo(x+3);

  // Run
  var p = Maybe.Run(bar(1));

  // Oof, getting things out is async
  p.then(function(x) {
    var el = document.getElementById('result');
    el.innerHTML += x
