
Concur Haskell

It has three backends -

  1. React based, called concur-react. You can use the Concur-React Quickstart Template to quickly get started.

    An example of using Native React Widgets is here - Drag Drop Sortable List Widget (React) - Demo - Demonstrates Concur binding to React-Sortable-Tree.

  2. Virtual-Dom based, called concur-vdom. (Bitrotten). You can use the Concur-Vdom Quickstart Template to quickly get started.

  3. Replica (i.e. remote virtual-dom) based, called concur-replica. Created and maintained by pkamenarsky. Head to its project page for more information.

Concur Purescript

You can quickly get a production setup going (using Spago and Parcel) by cloning the Purescript Concur Starter.

Else, if you use Spago -

spago install concur-react

Or if you use Bower -

bower install purescript-concur-react

Building examples from source

git clone
cd purescript-concur-react
npm install
# Build library sources
npm run build
# Build examples
npm run examples
# Start a local server
npm run start
# Check examples
open localhost:1234 in the browser

More Help

Look at the individual pages for Concur (Haskell), or Purescript-Concur for further instructions.