The Concur UI Framework Documentation

by Anupam Jain

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Concur is a UI development framework for functional languages like Haskell and Purescript. It is primarily used for client side web development, but there are efforts underway to port it to other platforms such as those for native desktop and mobile applications.

  1. For learners - Concur focuses on ease of development without sacrificing power. Simplicity is the number one goal. Concur provides a consistent set of tools which can be combined in predictable ways to accomplish any level of functionality ranging from the simplest hello world example to the most complex frontend for a web app. Due to its extremely gentle learning curve, Concur is well suited for learners of functional programming (replacing console applications for learners).

  2. For experienced folks - Assuming you are already familiar with functional programming, Concur will provide a satisfying development experience. Concur does not artificially constrain you in any form. You are encouraged to use your FP bag of tricks in predictable ways, and that is the standard way of doing things so you are never going against the grain. It's a library in spirit, rather than a framework.

  3. For professional development - Concur scales linearly with program complexity. Simple things are easy, complex things are just as complex as the problem itself, no more. Reusing existing widgets, and refactoring existing code is extremely easy. Concur is a great choice to build your next enterprise application on.

  4. Multiplatform development - Concur works with Haskell and Purescript. It provides a React backend, and a virtual-dom backend. With Haskell it also supports server-side virtual-dom with Replica. There are other native backends in the works. It provides great support for integrating existing React widgets. Note that Concur code in all those platforms looks (or will look) exactly the same!

Note about the code samples -

Throughout this tutorial, please keep in mind that Concur does not hide any functionality from you. What you see in the code is exactly what is happening. There is never any magical plumbing that takes place in the background which you don't directly control. So if a piece of code is not immediately and independently understandable, then please point it out and I will try to make it clearer.

This book is written to be backend and language neutral. These concepts will also apply whether you are using the Haskell version or the Purescript version, and to some extent even JS and python versions. However to simplify things, all the code examples will be in Purescript, using the React backend.

Getting Started

Let’s start your Concur journey! There’s a lot to learn, but every journey starts somewhere. In this chapter, we’ll discuss:

  • Getting Concur for Haskell, Purescript, or other platforms
  • Writing your first Concur program!


Concur Haskell

It has three backends -

  1. React based, called concur-react. You can use the Concur-React Quickstart Template to quickly get started.

    An example of using Native React Widgets is here - Drag Drop Sortable List Widget (React) - Demo - Demonstrates Concur binding to React-Sortable-Tree.

  2. Virtual-Dom based, called concur-vdom. (Bitrotten). You can use the Concur-Vdom Quickstart Template to quickly get started.

  3. Replica (i.e. remote virtual-dom) based, called concur-replica. Created and maintained by pkamenarsky. Head to its project page for more information.

Concur Purescript

You can quickly get a production setup going (using Spago and Parcel) by cloning the Purescript Concur Starter.

Else, if you use Spago -

spago install concur-react

Or if you use Bower -

bower install purescript-concur-react

Building examples from source

git clone
cd purescript-concur-react
npm install
# Build library sources
npm run build
# Build examples
npm run examples
# Start a local server
npm run start
# Check examples
open localhost:1234 in the browser

More Help

Look at the individual pages for Concur (Haskell), or Purescript-Concur for further instructions.

Your First Concur Program

Now that you’ve setup Concur, let’s write your first Concur program!

Hello Sailor

It's traditional in the Purescript world, when learning a new framework, to write a little program that shows the text Hello, sailor! to the screen, so we’ll do the same here!

Here's a simple widget (named hello) that displays the text "Hello Sailor!" -

hello = text "Hello Sailor!"

Concur provides a very simple DSL for constructing HTML DOM elements. text is a function that takes a string and constructs a widget with that text inside it.

I hope that there is nothing mysterious about this program. Concur has a mantra - "Make easy things easy, and complex things only as complex as the problem itself". For a simple UI like this, the program is suitably simple.

Counter Example

It's also traditional, when learning a UI framework, to demonstrate a program that can count up. Here, we built such a counter program in Concur.

counter count = do
  button [onClick] [text (show count)]
  counter (count + 1)

Here we define a function counter that takes an integer count as a parameter. This is the number we will start counting up from. We display a button which can be clicked (onClick) and with a label that shows the count that was passed in. When the button has been clicked, we restart the counter with an incremented count.

Don't worry if you don't understand the specifics, we'll cover everything later in the book. The important thing to note here is that the program is still very simple, and it has scaled only linearly with UI complexity.

A Quick Tour of Concur

Here we'll have a whirlwind tour of all of Concur's features. Keep your hats on!

Rememeber: To simplify things, all the examples will be in Purescript, using the React backend. However the concepts would apply to all backends and languages where Concur's model has been ported.

Anatomy of a Widget

Concur is built around composing Widgets. A Widget is something that has a View i.e. a User-Interface, can change in response to some events, and finally return some value.

The type Widget is parameterised by the type of the View, and the return type. That is to say - a Concur Widget has the type Widget HTML a. Here HTML is the type of the view (i.e. client side apps), and a is the type parameter that denotes what gets returned when the Widget is done.

-- A Widget with a View of type HTML (i.e. client side web apps), and returning an Int
foo :: Widget HTML Int

Especially note that the type of Events handled by the Widget is not a part of its type signature. Nor does the type signature include the type of the Actions performed by the Widget. This is important because each Widget in Concur is self sufficient and can be populated on the page without worrying about the inputs and outputs. All the inputs and outputs are wired at the time of Widget definition, and the user does not need to bother with them at the time of usage.

Hello World

Here's a simple widget that displays a button with the text "Hello Sailor!" in Concur -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = button' [text "Hello Sailor!"]

Concur provides a very simple DSL for constructing HTML DOM elements. This widget is a button with some text inside it.

Widget Return Types

All Widgets in Concur have a lifecycle. But unlike the ad-hoc lifecycle in other frameworks, here the lifecycle is principled and reflected in the type. A widget that stops running after a while but doesn't return anything useful (e.g. a button) usually has the type Unit (or () in Haskell). A widget that displays something and never stops (e.g. a label) has the type forall a. a which is equivalent to Void, or the uninhabited type. Forever looping widgets will also usually have this type. The type itself shows clearly that nothing scheduled to be run after this widget will ever run. I like to call such widgets "Display Widgets". They are typically used to display static things like text. Because of their polymorphic return type, they can be passed to any function which requires a Widget of a particular return type, which comes in very handy.

The type of this widget - forall a. Widget HTML a is also automatically inferred by the compiler, so need not be specified. The compiler knows that the return type of this widget is forall a. a because we have not attached any event handlers to the widget, so any dom elements created are static and never end or change.

The resulting widget is self contained and can be easily populated on the page (within a div with the id "hello") -

main = runWidgetInDom "hello" hello

Composing Widgets

Widgets can be easily laid out on the page using the HTML DSL. So you can create a layout with two buttons side by side like so -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = div'
  [ button' [text "Ahoy Port!"]
  , button' [text "Ahoy Starboard!"]

Or one above the other (using div's to separate them) -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = div'
  [ div'
      [ button' [text "Ahoy Port!"] ]
  , div'
      [ button' [text "Ahoy Starboard!"] ]

Layout is composition in space. The two button widgets occupy different parts of the page, depending on the layout, but run together in time. Under the hood, composition in space is equivalent to Monoidal composition. The key characteristic of monoidal composition is that the type of the combined widget is the same as the type of the individual widgets (which must match). As we saw earlier, the type of the individual buttons is forall a. Widget HTML a, so the type of the combined widget is also the same. So the entire widget can be placed anywhere a single button can be.

This leads to surprising power, since effectively, the return values bubble up the DOM tree, and you can then handle the return value at any level of granularity.

We'll further discuss layout, but first, we need to discuss event handling.

Event Handling

In the previous examples, clicking the buttons does nothing. After all, we haven't attached an event handler to the button! Traditionally, responding to user input seems to be the place where complexity creeps into the application. In Elm, for example, this is the place where you would reach out for the Elm Architecture.

Handling external events is where Concur shines. It does away with all the incidental complexity and lets you focus on the program logic. I'll make a claim that handling generic user events in Concur is simpler than any other library/framework in any programming language ever. If you know of anything else simpler, please let me know.

In Concur, you can just attach tags to the widgets to indicate the events you wish to handle, and then handle them synchronously in the program flow. Concur takes care of all the plumbing and concurrency for you. This is part of where Concur's name comes from - its support for Concurrency. The other reason for Concur's name is due to what I call aliasing of types - where adjacent types and properties must agree (concur) before they can be composed, which leads to increased type safety and powerful composition primitives. We'll discuss concurrency and composition primitives later in this guide.

Let's say we want to show a greeting to the user when the button is is clicked. We can do so very easily, by attaching an onClick attribute to the button. We have to use button instead of button'. (button' is defined simply as button [] for convenience).

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  void $ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
  text "Hello Sailor!"

That's right, text is also a complete widget on its own, which we are composing with the button widget. Here we use do-notation to compose two widgets in time. The text widget never runs at the same time as the button, and only shows up when, and as soon as, the button is clicked.

The final effect is that we see a button with the text "Say Hello", which when clicked gets replaced by text "Hello Sailor!". Ain't that easy!

Again, pay attention to the final type of the widget. It's the same as before (forall a. Widget HTML a) even though this time we did attach an event handler. However, we handle the event entirely internally, and simply change to a static widget (text) in response. So from the perspective of the rest of the program, the widget never returns.

A digression on the type of a plain button widget

So what is the type when you don't handle the button click event internally? To be specific, what is the type of the following widget -

button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]

The type is Widget HTML SyntheticMouseEvent, where the SyntheticMouseEvent is the type synonym for a record that basically maps a javascript mouse event.

In Concur, the standard pattern is Widget a = someDomElementWrapper [Prop a, Prop a, ...] [Widget a, Widget a,...]. i.e. to get the return type of a Widget, you just need to look at the return type of any of the props passed to it, or the return type of any child widgets passed to it. In Concur, the types of the props, the children, and the parent widget itself must agree (or... concur, pun intended).

So the return type of button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"] is necessarily the same as the return type of onClick which is defined in Concur.React.Props. Which you will find is SyntheticMouseEvent.

If you try to check the type yourself in the purescript repl with :t, you would see the properties you can access on the event object -

> :t button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
Widget (Array ReactElement)
     ( altKey :: Boolean
     , button :: Number
     , buttons :: Number
     , clientX :: Number
     , clientY :: Number
     , ctrlKey :: Boolean
     , getModifierState :: String -> Boolean
     , metaKey :: Boolean
     , pageX :: Number
     , pageY :: Number
     , relatedTarget :: NativeEventTarget
     , screenX :: Number
     , screenY :: Number
     , shiftKey :: Boolean
     , detail :: Number
     , view :: NativeAbstractView
     , bubbles :: Boolean
     , cancelable :: Boolean
     , currentTarget :: NativeEventTarget
     , defaultPrevented :: Boolean
     , eventPhase :: Number
     , isTrusted :: Boolean
     , nativeEvent :: NativeEvent
     , target :: NativeEventTarget
     , timeStamp :: Number
     , type :: String

Here the Array ReactElement is the same as HTML, and everything after that is the mouse event.

Modifying DOM on Events

What if we want to modify the original button, instead of replacing it entirely? Surely that would require having some sort of "architecture" or design pattern in place? As it happens to be, even in that case we don't need a separate workflow. Instead, we exploit a little trick of virtual dom, and replace the original button with a conceptually different button, and Concur takes care of updating the button efficiently instead of replacing it entirely.

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  void $ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
  button' [text "Hello Sailor!"]

What if you wanted to do different things based on the user input itself. For example, you want to show a different greeting depending on which button was pressed.

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  greeting <- div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]
  text (greeting <> " Sailor!")

You can see that layout and event handling seemlessly combine in Concur. We use <$ operator to assign a return value to each of the buttons. Since the buttons are composed in space using the HTML DSL, they are both shown together. Then the return value of the combined widget is the return value of whichever button is clicked. We then fetch the return value (i.e. the greeting), and display it as a part of our text message.

Everything works predictably, and using the tools you already have.

I must mention that it's quite possible to compose widgets together without wrapping them in a div. Use the operator <|> to accomplish that. For example, composing two buttons directly -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello =
  button' [text "Ahoy Port!"]
  button' [text "Ahoy Starboard!"]

You can also use orr which composes any number of widgets in a list.

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = orr
  [ button' [text "Ahoy Port!"]
  , button' [text "Ahoy Starboard!"]
  , button' [text "One more button!"]

Indeed, both <|> and div (and all other HTML DSL wrappers) are implemented in terms of orr.

Handling Multiple Events

You can have mutliple event handlers on the same widget easily.

Here's an example of an input element with both change and focus handlers.

data Action = Changed String | Focused

inputWidget :: Widget HTML Action
inputWidget = input [(Changed <<< unsafeTargetValue) <$> onChange, Focused <$ onFocus]

(The unsafeTargetValue is equivalent to in Javascript. It's literally defined as (unsafeCoerce e).target.value. It's "unsafe" because it can't statically guarantee that the onChange handler has been called on a target with a value. We are considering implementing a better more-typesafe API for getting the target value.)

Here inputWidget will return an Action, whenever the text is changed, or when it receives focus.

You don't need an action data type if you decide to process the action in line. For example, if you maintain a state -

type State = {focusCount:: Int, currentText :: String}

inputWidget :: State -> Widget HTML State
inputWidget st = input [st {focusCount = st.focusCount+1} <$ onFocus
                       , ((\s -> st {currentText = s}) <<< unsafeTargetValue) <$> onChange]

Now inputWidget will return the new application state whenever the text is changed or whenever it receives focus.

Composing Widgets with Events

As previously mentioned, Concur Widgets compose seamlessly, in space, and in time, and the composition is dictated by the types of the Widgets. Let's discuss that further.

The following widget will forever move between "Ping" and "Pong" buttons, and will never end. Hence it has the type forall a. Widget HTML a

pingPong :: forall a. Widget HTML a
pingPong = do
  forever $ do
    button [onClick] [text "Ping"]
    button [onClick] [text "Pong"]
  text "This text will never be shown"

Note that all widgets, which are either static, or entirely self contained and run forever, have the type forall a. Widget HTML a, which can be composed with any other widget. This means that they can be dropped into any part of the layout without affecting the types or the logic of the rest of the application. So if you have a button in the middle of the UI somewhere - button [onClick] [text "Blah"] - and you wanted to add a text label alongside, the combined widget div_ [text "Click this button" , button [onClick] [text "Blah"]] will be conceptually equal to the button on its own.

Including a formal notion of a widget lifecycle, and a return type, has distinct advantages. For example, unlike other frameworks, the user never has to manually plumb events, state, and view updates together. So if you have a counter widget which returns an Integer -

-- A counter widget takes the initial count as argument, and returns the updated count
counter :: Int -> Widget HTML Int
counter count = do
  button [onClick] [text (show count)]
  pure (count + 1)

You can compose an entire list of them easily on a webpage. The return value of the combined widget is the value of the first counter to return.

-- Compose a list of counters in parallel
-- The return value is the value of the counter which is clicked
listCounters :: Array Int -> Widget HTML Int
listCounters = orr <<< map counter

Now if we want to distinguish which counter was updated, we can use the Functor instance of Widgets to tag the return type. Widgets are also Applicative (and as we have already seen, Monad). These instances, allow a natural handling of return values using <$>, <*>, <$, monadic do-notation, etc. So we can now return the updated count tagged with the index of the Counter which was clicked -

-- Compose a list of counters in parallel
-- The return value is the value which was clicked together with its index.
listCounters :: Array Int -> Widget HTML {count: Int, index: Int}
listCounters initialCounts = orr (mapWithIndex mkCount initialCounts)
  where mkCount index = map (\count -> {index, count}) <<< counter

See how we map over the widgets to modify the return value to a record with index.

Or even better, you can simply return the modified counts together as a list, so the initial list of counts and the final list of counts have the same type.

-- Compose a list of counters in parallel
listCounters :: Array Int -> Widget HTML (Array Int)
listCounters initialCounts = orr (mapWithIndex (mkCount initialCounts) initialCounts)
  where mkCount initialCountArray index initCount = map (\count -> fromMaybe initialCountArray (updateAt index count initialCountArray)) (counter initCount)

It's also important to note, that the new list widget is still short and encapsulated within a single function (As it really should be).

Of course, Concur also provides a better way to show multiple widgets in parallel and collect the output from each of them. It's called andd and it waits until all the reponses have been received (compare with orr which returns the first successful response). With andd you can simply write -

-- Compose a list of counters in parallel
listCounters :: Array Int -> Widget HTML (Array Int)
listCounters initialCounts = andd (map counter initialCounts)

Input Output

Concur provides seamless IO at widget boundaries. This is another area where other frameworks falter. Since concurrency is baked into and integral to Concur, IO becomes predictable and powerful. Concur provides lifting functions to lift IO into widgets, and those lifted io widgets can be easily composed just like any other normal widget.

Continuing our previous example, if we want to print the greeting selected by the user to the console.

helloWidget :: forall a. Widget HTML a
helloWidget = do
  greeting <- div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]
  liftEffect (log ("You chose to say " <> greeting))
  text (greeting <> " Sailor!")

Here we use liftEffect to convert an effect into a widget. In Haskell, we can use liftIO.

Lifting IO to Widgets means we can compose IO in parallel with other Widgets. This can lead to some nice patterns. Two examples -

  1. Allow cancelling long running IO actions in response to GUI events, without any boilerplate. Let's say we want to create a timer which can be cancelled. The following widget will return when the timer completes after a specified duration, or when the button is pressed, whichever is first. Whenver the button is pressed, the timer thread is automatically cancelled so you don't have to do that manually.
timerWidget ms = liftAff (delay (Milliseconds ms)) <|> button [unit <$ onClick] [text "Cancel"]
  1. Show a "Loading" screen while performing IO, let's say while making an ajax call.
resp <- liftAff (AX.get ResponseFormat.json url) <|> text "Fetching posts from subreddit..."

Also note that the ability to perform IO actions from Widgets is very handy when creating bindings to existing native/JS libraries.

Architectural Notes

Here we collect some tips on building large programs with Concur.

Replicating Elm Architecture

Concur is strictly more powerful, while simultaneously being easier to use than Elm. We were able to compose widgets, handle events, and dynamically change the page contents without adopting an "architecture", or manually threading any state or action data structures.

  1. With Concur, there's no magic with effects and actions involved. A 'Widget' means a very simple thing - A section of UI which returns a value. Using this single concept, it's trivial to recreate the Elm architecture, but while remaining in full control, and understanding every step of the process.

  2. There is no global state, and you can use local state with as fine a granularity as desired. Moreover, the resulting widget can be used within other widgets without having to thread in its state manually. Everything just works!

Here's an example of building a small form with Concur -

-- This is like Elm's State
type Form =
  { name :: String
  , rememberMe :: Boolean

-- This is like Elm's Action
data FormAction
  = Name String
  | RememberMe Boolean
  | Submit

formWidget :: Form -> Widget HTML Form
formWidget form = do
  -- This is like Elm's view function
  res <- div'
    [ Name <$> input [_type "text", value, unsafeTargetValue <$> onChange]
    , RememberMe (not form.rememberMe) <$ input [_type "checkbox", checked form.rememberMe, onChange]
    , Submit <$ button [onClick] [text "Submit"]
  -- This is like Elm's update function
  case res of
    Name s -> formWidget (form {name = s})
    RememberMe b -> formWidget (form {rememberMe = b})
    Submit -> pure form

Now you can use formWidget as a regular widget anywhere else in the rest of your application (working example). Note that the other parts of your application don't need to know about FormAction at all.

This is surprisingly powerful and composable. Let's build a widget which allows editing an arbitrary list of such forms in a sequence and then returns the list of modified forms. How many more lines of code are needed to accomplish that?

The program is literally two words long i.e. traverse formWidget.

multiFormWidget :: Array Form -> Widget HTML (Array Form)
multiFormWidget = traverse formWidget

Here, we use the fact that Widget also has an Applicative instance (along with Functor and Monad instances) -

If instead you wanted to allow editing all the forms together, you would do -

multiFormWidget :: Array Form -> Widget HTML (Array Form)
multiFormWidget = andd <<< map formWidget

Compare that with all the plumbing with Events, Actions, and State, that is needed for an equivalent Elm program. It would be even worse with something like Reflex because you would have to keep track of where you were in the list in the editing process, and also, what the values of the previously submitted forms are, and you would have to do that by composing events while manipulating the DOM (try it).

Plan for Composability by Breaking Down Components

Concur has a very simple and consistent Widget model. However there are a few situations where the simplicity of the model leads you down the wrong path in terms of code organisation.

The most common of such situations is when you have a specification for a widget, and you build it in a straightforward manner using Concur's monadic flow with a recursive call at the end. You don't need to create a data structure to represent the internal state of the widget.

Taking the example of the greeting selector we built earlier -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  greeting <- div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]
  text (greeting <> " Sailor!") <|> button [onClick] [text "restart"]

Note that the type of the widget is forall a. Widget HTML a. This means that the Widget is entirely self contained, which is a good thing for usability, but also bad in terms of composability. You are not able to combine this widget with other widgets in meaningful ways, and other widgets on the page cannot depend on the actual greeting selected. Note: Actually, it often makes sense to compose never-ending widgets. Look at the next section on "Never-ending Components to see how.

The idiomatic and reusable Concur widget does one thing and returns a value. So to make this reusable, we need to remove the recursive call at the end, and instead return the greeting selected.

getGreeting :: Widget HTML String
getGreeting = div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]

And then having a separate widget which consumes that greeting, and allows the user to exit.

showGreeting :: String -> Widget HTML Unit
showGreeting greeting = div'
  [ text (greeting <> " Sailor!")
  , void $ button [onClick] [text "restart"]

And then compose them together when needed.

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  greeting <- getGreeting
  showGreeting greeting

Now the composition logic and the recursive call is isolated from the rest of the UI code, and can be easily changed if needed.

For example, if the requirement changes to also always display the previously selected greeting, then you can do that without changing getGreeting, and showGreeting, and making only minimal changes to hello. We need to take the previous greeting as a parameter, and then loop on the new greeting when one has been selected.

hello :: String -> forall a. Widget HTML a
hello prev = hello =<< div'
  [ text ("Previous greeting - " <> prev)
  , do
      greeting <- getGreeting
      showGreeting greeting
      pure greeting

helloWithPrev :: forall a. Widget HTML a
helloWithPrev = hello ""

Composing Never Ending Widgets

As the previous section showed, it's recommended to avoid creating widgets which never end, to allow arbitrary composition. However, at this point it must be pointed out that Concur does allow you to compose never-ending widgets in meaningful ways, as long as you remember that a never ending-widget will only be a Consumer, and not a Producer of meaningful data. (PS: There are ways to get data out of a never ending widget as well. See remoteWidget for an example).

Composing never ending widgets works because parent widgets completely control the child widgets, and can remove them from the view at will irrespective of whether the widget ended.

So you can imagine a "Dashboard" type widget which displays some complex data and even allows complex user interaction to slice and dice the data, however never supplies any data back to the rest of the app. It may have a type signature like - dashboard :: CompanyData -> forall a. Widget HTML a.

You can have a separate widget called awaitDataChange that watches for changes to the company data and returns the changed data. Perhaps it shows a UI that allows the user to edit the data themselves, or gets it from a database hook or some other source. You can still compose that with the dashboard widget like so -

app data = do
  -- The dashboard widget will be removed as soon as new data comes in
  newData <- dashboard data <|> awaitDataChange
  -- Now we can just restart the dashboard widget with the new data
  app newData


Signals are a more recent addition to Concur, and relatively experimental. However, like everything else in Concur, a signal is basically one simple idea that goes a long way.

Introduction to Signals

To see why we need Signals, let's reconsider the greeting selector example from the previous section. We need to display a greeting selector, and then greet the user with that selected greeting, and finally allow the user to restart the cycle.

The most straightforward way of writing this is directly in one go using monadic recursion -

hello :: forall a. Widget HTML a
hello = do
  greeting <- div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]
  text (greeting <> " Sailor!") <|> button [onClick] [text "restart"]

As we discussed in the previous section, to make this widget composable and maintainable, we should separate the recursive call from the rest of the code. However there are two things that are unsatisfactory about that -

  1. The most straightforward way to write something is not the idiomatic way to write something. We have lost a property that Concur prides itself on.
  2. The complete behaviour of the widget includes the UI and the recursion. It feels unsatisfactory to have to separate the two in order to be able to compose things.

Enter Signals.

In essence, A Signal is a recursive / never ending widget which can still be composed seamlessly. Like a Widget, a Signal is also parameterised on the View, and the return value. A Signal is of type Signal v a, where v is the type of the view, and a is the return value. However, a signal does not "end" after returning a value, but is instead free to keep processing. Apart from being able to compose with other Signals, a Signal is conceptually equivalent to a never-ending Widget forall a. Widget HTML a.

So we have a function called dyn which can take a Signal and converts it to a never-ending Widget so it can be displayed.

dyn :: forall v a b. Signal v a -> Widget v b

Here we ignore the return value of the Widget, since we can't make use of it in Widget space, and return a widget with an indeterminate value b, i.e. the Widget is never-ending.

Your First Signal

So how do we build signals? The workhorse for that is the function step. It is dual to dyn, in that it allows creating a Signal from a Widget.

step :: forall v a. a -> Widget v (Signal v a) -> Signal v a

Each Signal always has a value associated with it. It's a Comonad, so the current value of the Signal can be extracted with extract.

Step takes the initial value of the signal as its first argument. The second argument is the Widget. This way of creating Signals requires recursion to be implemented in continuation passing style. The Widget passed in needs to perform some work, and then return the continuation Signal.

Let's rewrite our hello example with Signals -

hello :: String -> Signal HTML String
hello s = step s do
  greeting <- div'
    [ "Hello" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Hello"]
    , "Namaste" <$ button [onClick] [text "Say Namaste"]
  text (greeting <> " Sailor!") <|> button [onClick] [text "restart"]
  pure (hello greeting)

It's almost the same as the straightforward Widget version! The only things that changed are that we had to specify the initial value of the greeting (by passing it as an argument to step), and we had to change the explicit recursion to CPS by returning hello instead of directly calling hello.

Now we can use it with dyn -

helloWidget :: forall a. Widget HTML a
helloWidget = dyn $ hello ""

Converting Display Widgets

Building Signals from "Display Widgets" i.e. never ending widgets is even easier. Here we can use a function called display. It's a convenience function provides the initial value for step when its type has only one possible inhabitant (i.e. Unit). It is defined like this -

display :: Widget HTML (Signal HTML Unit) -> Signal HTML Unit
display = step unit

Note that you don't need to worry about the initial value of the signal here. Never ending widgets have a polymorphic return type forall a. a, so they can be passed to display without issues (the polymorphic a is just resolved to a Signal HTML Unit by the type checker).

An example of its usage -

textSignal :: Signal HTML Unit
textSignal = display (text "Hello Sailor!")

Signal Composition

Signals mimic traditional FRP by offering Monadic composition. It's always composition in space since Signals don't have a lifecycle, and run forever (until removed entirely from the page). That is to say that Signals don't have (or need) composition in time.

Need to display a list of greeting widgets on the page at the same time?

helloList :: Array String -> Signal HTML (Array String)
helloList = traverse hello

The Signal will show all the individual widgets at the same time, and allow editing them at the same time. Note that we did not have to manage the recursion for individual signals when composing them.

What if we want to also display the currently selected greetings for all the hello widgets together at the top level?

helloListWithDisplay :: Array String -> Signal HTML (Array String)
helloListWithDisplay prev = div_ [] do
  traverse hello prev
  display (text ("Previously selected greetings - " <> show prev))

Note that we were able to use the same HTML DSL to wrap signals in DOM elements. div_ is the same as div, but requires only a single child element.

To understand how the composition works, think of monadic composition of signals like a waterfall. When you perform Signal foo and then Signal bar, both foo and bar are performed continuously. However, every time the upstream Signal foo emits a value, the value of downstream bar is recomputed.

This leads to the question of layout. Signal views are displayed in the same order as the monadic composition. However, we might require a value from a later Signal to compute the value of an earlier signal. This is the classic problem with mixing monadic composition with layout, and is faced by all current FRP libraries. Concur Signals have a very simple solution for this - Loops.

There is an operator called loopS provided which loops back the return value of a signal to the beginning. This is like MonadFix but less magical. So you can do this -

helloListWithDisplay :: Signal HTML (Array String)
helloListWithDisplay prev = loopS prev \prev' -> div_ [] do
  display (text ("Previously selected greetings - " <> show prev'))
  traverse hello prev'

Signal Example

Here's an example of using Signals to implement a counter widget where the count is also automatically incremented every second -

mainWidget :: forall a. Widget HTML a
mainWidget = do
  dyn $ loopS 0 \n -> do
    display $ D.text (show n)
    n' <- incrementTicker n
    counterSignal n'

-- Counter
counterSignal :: Int -> Signal HTML Int
counterSignal init = loopW init $ \n -> D.div'
  [ n+1 <$ D.button [P.onClick] [D.text "+"]
  , D.div' [D.text (show n)]
  , n-1 <$ D.button [P.onClick] [D.text "-"]

-- Timer
incrementTicker :: Int -> Signal HTML Int
incrementTicker init = loopW init $ \n -> do
  liftAff $ delay $ Milliseconds 1000.0
  pure (n+1)

Some Notes on Signal Usage

  1. A Signal is basically a Widget + looping. So loopW, which provides stateful looping, is the easiest way to generate individual signals.

  2. Signals are "continuous", i.e. they always have a current value. So the notion of "merging" signals does not arise except as a zipping operation, where you provide a continuous function which combines individual values from the constituent signals. This "zipping" is possible using monadic bind like so -

  a <- signal1
  b <- signal2
  c <- signal3
  pure (someFunction a b c)
  1. If a signal depends on the value of another upstream signal, you can just express that dependency with parameter passing. For example, if signal2 depends on the output from signal1, and signal3 depends on the output of both signal1 and signal2 then -
  a <- signal1
  b <- signal2 a
  c <- signal3 a b
  pure (someFunction a b c)
  1. A slight complication occurs when a signal depends on the value of a downstream signal, we need to use the loopS combinator which "loops" the value of the last signal back up to the top so that the upstream signals can use it. Note that you would need the last signal to carry all the values that are needed by the upstream signals.

Usually you would have some sort of a state that is accessible to all the constituent signals, and loop over that state. In the counter+timer example, the timer and the counter both depended on the current count. So we need to loop the current count over.

  1. Note that sometimes this changes the final return value of the signal away from what you want. So you may need to map the final composition function on top of the signal value.

To take a pedantic example - if signal1 also depended on the values of signal2 and signal3, we can have signal3 return those values and make them available to signal1 with loopS. Let's assume that the initial values for signal2 is initialB and for signal3 is initialC.

loopS {b:initialB, c:initialC} \{b, c} -> do
  a <- signal1 b c
  b' <- signal2 a
  c' <- signal3 a b'
  pure {b:b', c:c'}

But now the final value of the signal is Tuple b c. So we need to fix that. We need to add the value of signal1 to the output since that's needed in the final output, and then map over with someFunction -

s = g <$> innerSignal
    g {a,b,c} = someFunction a b c
    innerSignal = loopS {a:initialA, b:initialB, c:initialC} \{b, c} -> do
      a' <- signal1 b c
      b' <- signal2 a'
      c' <- signal3 a' b'
      pure {a:a', b:b', c:c'}

Not pretty, but usually you won't have such complicated state and dependencies.


Here we collect some long form answers to questions people asked on the internet.

Why the Concur Model

Taken from my answer to this question

Qs. Why the Concur model?

Not a negative sentiment, but legitimately curious.

I checked out the Concur repos and docs + samples to try to get a better understanding of this, but at first-glance it seems like additional complexity that could be handled with plain logical statements in the render method?

If it is not too much trouble, could you explain a bit why using this type of flow is different or better than having a view that gets injected with stateful data and re-renders normally?


The answer I usually give for Concur is that this flow based paradigm is simpler and scales better to larger programs. This is usually because our mental model fits synchronous control flow, and free composition of widgets better.

It's really simple for simple real world code

Think of when a person first learns to program, and writes something beyond plain hello world, which was output only, to something that is interactive.

Say, accept a user's name and then say hello to them. They probably would intuitively write something like this, assuming appropriate getInput and log functions -

name <- getInput "What is your name"
log "Hello "+name

This is simple, and works. Hey programming is easy!

But as soon as they start thinking of even slightly larger programs, they have to change their mental model completely. They have to deal with asynchronous behaviour (event handlers), and different input/output modes (interacting with the DOM instead of alert/prompt), and code architecture issues (how do you build a larger program from a smaller one without rewriting completely).

Imagine if writing a simple hello world involved something like this from the get go (In javascript now) -

setInitialState({name: null})
onRender() {
  let {name} = getState()
  if(name == null) {
    prompt("What is your name",
      userInput => setState({name: userInput})
  } else {
    alert("Hello "+name)

It's pretty crummy and hard to understand for new programmers, and hides the actual logic behind a lot of cruft.

Concur/Flowponent lets you have the original easy model or programming, without losing anything.

name <- textInputEnter "What is your name?" true []
D.text $ "Hello " + name

This code is asynchronous with event handlers, and can output to the dom (textInputEnter and D.div are a part of Purescript-Concur-React).

Also the logic doesn't rely on a magic render method which is called automatically just when you need it to be called (i.e. state changes). Instead, the rendering is explicitly controlled by the program (even if behind the scenes it uses the original render method). I feel it greatly improves comprehension.

AND it scales linearly with program complexity.

Take a very simple extension to the previous program. Think about how the code could be modified to handle a list of users. All of them need to be asked their names and greeted. A new programmer would probably think that it would look something like this (In Javascript) -

for(user of users) {
  let name = prompt("What is your name")
  alert("Hello "+name)

It's simple, it's clear, and if it worked it would have had no bugs.

But no. We can't actually write it like that. It takes a great mental leap to get to the state based async model for this functionality.

And because there is so much cruft, there are lots of ways to write this cruft. There isn't one good canonical way. Eventually you have to write something like this. It may have bugs since I just wrote it inline just now (Again in Javascript) -

// Don't modify the original users array. Assumes a clone method.
setInitialState({usersLeft: users.clone(), name:null})
onRender() {
  let {usersLeft, name} = getState()
  if(name != null) {
    alert("Hello "+name)
  // No else
  let user = usersLeft.pop()
  if(user != undefined) {
    prompt("What is your name",
      // Don't forget to set the modified users array
      userInput => setState({usersLeft: usersLeft, name: userInput})

Whereas, Concur lets you keep the simple model with no drawbacks. -

In Purescript this is simply -

sequence $ repeat 10 $ do
  name <- textInputEnter "What is your name?" true []
  D.text $ "Hello " + name

And even in Javscript it's easy (Using a strange list syntax here because I didn't want to use DOM elements, but hopefully the concept is clear) -

name = null
for(user of users) {
  name = yield step =>
     [ if(name != null) alert("Hello "+name)
     , prompt("What is your name", step)

Looks like programming IS really easy!

Jumping Into the Middle of Widgets

Taken from my answer to this question

Qs. Jump into the middle of widgets?

One downside that may be observed in practice in that generators can’t be jumped into.

e.g for testing a particular state in a test, need to go through the previous parts of the functions to get there. Or for hot-module-reloading with fast dev reloads. The components can’t be re-hydrated from a previous state.

Though this is purely speculative, certainly not a reason to avoid this approach as the benefits do look good 🙂


(All code snippets in this answer are in Javascript).

Hmm, I think you'd find that the flow model is pretty flexible. In particular, it's strictly more powerful than React/Redux/Elm.

For example, you can simply define your own redux in 3 lines -

function redux(state, render, update) {
  let action = yield* render(state)
  let newState = update(state, action)
  yield* redux(newState, render, update)

Then you can use it in the usual stateful way! Everything below is business logic -

// Initial state (the name of the person)
// To hydrate, you only need to restore this state
let state = null

// Define a render function
// Allow the user to change the name to John
let render = name => step =>
     [ if(name != null) alert("Hello "+name)
     , prompt("Should I call you John instead?", step)

// Update function
// Change the state (name) to John if the user requested it
let update = response => name =>
  response=="yes"? "john" : name

// Wire everything together!
redux(name, render, update);

You can also use checkpoints to store the implicit "state".

A checkpoint is defined as a specific series of return values encountered in a widget.

Define a generic checkpoint function that can be used in place of yield.

// This is our implicit state
// To hydrate, you only need to restore this state
let checkpoints = []
// How much state has been restored?
let checkpointIndex = 0

// Yield with checkpointing
function checkpoint(view) {
  let ret = checkpoints[checkpointIndex]
  if(ret !== null) {
    return ret

  let ret = yield view
  return ret

Now write code normally, and you have checkpointing! For example, the users array code from earlier -

name = null
for(user of users) {
  name = yield* checkpoint(step =>
     [ if(name != null) alert("Hello "+name)
     , prompt("What is your name", step)